Lifelong Learning Interest Group Meeting: Principles of lnclusiveness for Improved and Modernised Education

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Organisation: European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)

Dates: 21 March 2017

Venue: Brussels, Belgium

Target audience: Members of the Lifelong Learning Interest Group

Description: The Lifelong Learning Interest Group’s session will focus on the European Commission’s Communication on improving and modernising education. Some of the questions that participants will be encouraged to tackle are: how can we ensure a lifelong learning perspective and ensure synergies? Are the Skills Agenda and lnclusive Education complementary? ls it possible to have truly inclusive education in systems based principally on competition and how? How can civil society organisations best contribute to advance the agenda on inclusiveness?

Initiated by EAEA and Lifelong Learning Platform together with a number of MEPs, the Interest Group on Lifelong Learning brings together civil society representatives and MEPs to discuss key issues connected to lifelong learning with strong emphasis on adult education.

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