Inclusion and active citizenship – round table

Home / Our work / Events / Inclusion and active citizenship – round table

Organisation: RIO/FOLAC

Dates: 6 of October 2017

Venue: Folkhögskolornas Service Organisation (FSO), Magnus Ladulåsgatan 63, 100 61 Stockholm, Sweden

Target audience: Teachers and managerial staff that have participated in the former seminars

Description: Teachers and managerial staff that have participated in the former seminars are invited to a round table where we will draw conclusions on how folk high schools can contribute to inclusion and active citizenship in the class room, in the school and in the neighbourhood. The round table will be inspired and challanged by a researcher focused on these issues. The outcome will be a short manifesto on what folk high schools can do that will be distributed to all folk high schools and decision makers at
different levels.

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