The Folk High School as a meeting place in times of migration

Home / Our work / Events / The Folk High School as a meeting place in times of migration

Organisation: RIO/FOLAC

Dates: 21 November 2016

Venue: Folkbildningsrådet, Stockholm, Sweden

Target audience: Adult education trainers and managerial staff

Description: Around 160 000 people came to seek shelter in Sweden during 2015. As a first step into Sweden they have often been placed in big houses/farms at the countryside and sometimes near the folk high schools. Managers and teachers from these schools were invited to discuss two issues: How can we develop our work with inclusion in our folk high school, with the civil society and with the authorities? How can we contribute to making migration into a resource in the local community? We used resources from the OED project, a Swedish summary of the OED guidelines, a report about how some folk high schools work with migrants and 60 methods from folk high schools from the national project Inkludera mera (Include more).

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